Remove about me from Profilepage

Hi there 

I'd like to remove "About" me from the profile page, is there a hack to do so ?



  • idiotter, look at the userdetails.php file in the profile mod.


    What do I have to change/delete there ? I also forget to mention that I use Profile Manager Plugin





    * Elgg user display (details)


    * @package ElggProfile

    * @license GNU Public License version 2

    * @author Curverider Ltd <>

    * @copyright Curverider Ltd 2008-2010

    * @link


    * @uses $vars['entity'] The user entity



    if ($vars['full'] == true) {

    $iconsize = "large";

    } else {

    $iconsize = "medium";



    // wrap all profile info

    echo "<div id=\"profile_info\">";




    <table cellspacing="0">






    // wrap the icon and links in a div

    echo "<div id=\"profile_info_column_left\">";


    echo "<div id=\"profile_icon_wrapper\">";

    // get the user's main profile picture

    echo elgg_view(

    "profile/icon", array(

    'entity' => $vars['entity'],

    //'align' => "left",

    'size' => $iconsize,

    'override' => true,





    echo "</div>";

    echo "<div class=\"clearfloat\"></div>";

    // display relevant links

    echo elgg_view("profile/profilelinks", array("entity" => $vars['entity']));


    // close profile_info_column_left

    echo "</div>";






    <div id="profile_info_column_middle" >



    if ($vars['entity']->canEdit()) {



    <p class="profile_info_edit_buttons">

    <a href="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>pg/profile/<?php echo $vars['entity']->username; ?>/edit/"><?php echo elgg_echo("profile:edit"); ?></a>












    // Simple XFN

    $rel = "";

    if (page_owner() == $vars['entity']->guid)

    $rel = 'me';

    else if (check_entity_relationship(page_owner(), 'friend', $vars['entity']->guid))

    $rel = 'friend';


    // display the users name

    echo "<h2><a href=\"" . $vars['entity']->getUrl() . "\" rel=\"$rel\">" . $vars['entity']->name . "</a></h2>";


    //insert a view that can be extended

    echo elgg_view("profile/status", array("entity" => $vars['entity']));


    if ($vars['full'] == true) {




    $even_odd = null;


    if (is_array($vars['config']->profile) && sizeof($vars['config']->profile) > 0)

    foreach($vars['config']->profile as $shortname => $valtype) {

    if ($shortname != "description") {

    $value = $vars['entity']->$shortname;

    if (!empty($value)) {


    //This function controls the alternating class

    $even_odd = ( 'odd' != $even_odd ) ? 'odd' : 'even';



    <p class="<?php echo $even_odd; ?>">



    echo elgg_echo("profile:{$shortname}");


    ?>: </b>


    $options = array(

    'value' => $vars['entity']->$shortname



    if ($valtype == 'tags') {

    $options['tag_names'] = $shortname;



    echo elgg_view("output/{$valtype}", $options);













    </div><!-- /#profile_info_column_middle -->




    <?php if (!get_plugin_setting('user_defined_fields', 'profile')) {?>


    <td colspan="2">

    <div id="profile_info_column_right">

    <p class="profile_aboutme_title"><b><?php echo elgg_echo("profile:aboutme"); ?></b></p>


    <?php if ($vars['entity']->isBanned()) { ?>

    <div id="profile_banned">


    echo elgg_echo('profile:banned');


    </div><!-- /#profile_info_column_right -->


    <?php } else { ?>



    echo elgg_view('output/longtext', array('value' => $vars['entity']->description));

    //echo autop(filter_tags($vars['entity']->description));



    <?php } ?>


    </div><!-- /#profile_info_column_right -->







    <?php } ?>






    </div><!-- /#profile_info -->

  • any helping hand out there ?

  • If you read that carefully enough you will see where it says "About me".

    What you're looking for is the <div> called profile_info_column_right.


    //echo elgg_view('output/longtext', array('value' => $vars['entity']->description));

    //echo autop(filter_tags($vars['entity']->description));


    Comment it out like above.

  • I did this in this file: mydomain/mod/profile/views/default/profile/userdetails.php with no affection ... isn't this the right place ?

  • I comented this out but no success ... i forget to mention that i'm using profile_manager ... does this change the way i have to work ?

  • Why not delete the field from profile_manager ...?

    Or comnment out this portion.


    <p class="profile_aboutme_title"><b><?php echo elgg_echo("profile:aboutme"); ?></b></p>


    <?php if ($vars['entity']->isBanned()) { ?>

    <div id="profile_banned">


    echo elgg_echo('profile:banned');


    </div><!-- /#profile_info_column_right -->


    <?php } else { ?>



    echo elgg_view('output/longtext', array('value' => $vars['entity']->description));

    //echo autop(filter_tags($vars['entity']->description));



    <?php } ?>